Myranda Farmer, 2017 graduate, shared with us a gift from her mom displaying precious memories of her journey at WCA. Myranda now attends Roanoke College.

We had a great week learning new math concepts. We are thankful it is Friday!

First graders doing a review using rhymes!

Working math problems on the board

5th graders coming back from Chapel. We learned to NGU (Never Give Up!)

Bible story time. “ Don’t worship idols”

After school choir practicing for the choir coffee house! Come out on Thursday, October 24th at 7pm in the Connection Pointe for some fun music and delicious desserts. Someone may play the ukulele too, you never know!

High School Chapel, Seniors leading worship.

Singing to the Lord! Elementary School Chapel

Eighth graders are preparing for their DC trip next week. They had hoodies designed for the occasion!

Our school nurse, Megan Dalton, sitting down with student to minister to her needs.

Sixth Grade students start their day putting up the flags at WCA!

First graders having fun coloring their speed drills, after a successful day of math.

K-3 students enjoyed creating a Fox with the letter F

Having fun with the letter F

High school lunch is always fun at WCA!

XC meet today at Hagan Stone Park! Go Bulldogs!

Buddy enjoying some attention from the MS XC team😊

Earth Science students studying seismic waves and using triangulation to locate the epicenter of an earthquake.

Watch out, it’s raining eggs!! We had a blast dropping our eggs from the first story and second story this morning. Four of the six survived the first story and two of the six survived both! #physicsisfun