K-3 had a great time during the Valentine's Day Party on Friday.

Special music time in the worship center for K5 today!

Our class was exited to have Haley Waller come read a book for "Read Aloud Day."

The students loved having Mr. Shane come to music class today!

WCA's Math Olympic team did a great job this week at their competition! They worked hard and enjoyed a yummy McDonald's lunch! We are so proud of them!

Letter of the week craft day! 🐷

Mrs. Inman's kindergarten class was thrilled to have Junior, Mady Aron read to the class for "Read Aloud Day." Mady did an amazing job reading her book selection while also engaging and interacting with a very excited group of Kindergarteners! She talked to them about the greatest love of all...The love of Jesus Christ. They showered her with the kind of love and enthusiasm that only a kindergartener can. 😉We hope that Mady will return one day to be a guest reader again. ❤️

K-5 celebrated their 100th day of school and Zero the Hero came to visit.

We were so excited to have Madison read to us with a book from Elizabeth Ware Realty!

Kindergarten had a great time at our Open HouseMonday night.

Our K-3 students made Otter hand puppets for the letter O.

Preschool Open House

Kindergarten had so much fun counting out their 100 days of school snack. 10 of each snack made 100!

❤️🤍🖤🐾Bow! Wow! First grade had fun celebrating the 101st day of school! 🐾🖤🤍❤️

Kindergarten had fun today with our centers, that are all about Pete the Cat.

Fifth graders had a great Spirit Week 🙏🎉

The K-3 class enjoyed learning the letter "N" as they made noodle necklaces.

Fifth graders had a blast from the "PAST" today. 🕺🕰️

Second grade had so much fun dressing up for movie/tv character day!

Fifth graders dressed as a movie 🎦🍿or TV character.🎬