Kindergarteners getting a peek at the progress of the boat being built by some of our high schoolers.
about 5 years ago, Westover Christian Academy
Kids looking in window
10th grade students learning about the poetic books in Scripture and being creative and writing their own poems!
about 5 years ago, Annette Payne
Boy writing
Girls working together
I love my Kinders!
about 5 years ago, Laura Williams
Geography students play Jeopardy to review for their trimester!!!
about 5 years ago, Alison Williamson
Geography students play Jeopardy to review for their trimester.
Winning team—all did great!
Teams see who has the right answer.
A little competition is always fun for review.
The Danville Rotary Club donated dictionaries to Mrs. Owen’s third grade class today! Students were very excited and grateful!!
about 5 years ago, Maryann Thompson
Danville Rotary Club donated dictionaries.
First graders enjoy reading group time with Mrs. East. WCA allows new substitute teachers to shadow classroom teachers for the day to gain an understanding of how reading groups and other subjects are conducted.
about 5 years ago, Michelle East
Reading group time!
Mrs. Buckley’s class had a fun number review today playing Kahoot on our Kindles. Thank you Mrs. Saunders for helping us get our Kindles set up!
about 5 years ago, Bonnie Buckley
Kahoot game
Abs playing kahoot
Silly sock day for letter "S"
about 5 years ago, Jennifer Reutter
Silly socks on silly kids
Silly socks ALL over me
WCA ALUMNI... Where They Are Now... WCA is honored to present Thomas Collins! Thomas is a 1999 graduate of Westover Christian Academy. He is a Lieutenant and Training Officer for the Danville Fire Department. Thank you so much Thomas for your commitment to keep our community safe. Thomas and his wife Sarah are blessed with three children. Sarah is also a graduate of WCA. #wheretheyarenow #WCAalumni #firesafetymonth #danvillefiredepartment
about 5 years ago, Jessica Beach
WCA Alumni Thomas Collins and his three children
Westover Christian Academy posted in our Friday Flyer that we had an opportunity to replace our 24/7 internal security lights with LED’s. We are very thankful to a WCA family that made that possible!! Thank you!!
about 5 years ago, John Cline
24/7 lights
When it’s trimester review time students get to be the teacher! That way other students can hear it from a different point of view.
about 5 years ago, Kelley Williamson
Student at board
Thanks Laura Tyree and Essel Propack for the donation of speed bumps. They look great and safety for Gods children!
about 5 years ago, John Cline
Speed Bumps
We are Blessed to have wonderful families to come read to our class.
about 5 years ago, Paula Perez
Thank for coming to read to our class today!!
Fun with letter "Ss" Shaving cream,snakes, and seeds!
about 5 years ago, Jennifer Reutter
Stringing our beads to make snakes
Making S's in shaving cream
Fifth grade students mailing business letters for their service project asking for support for God’s Pit Crew.
about 5 years ago, Jill Cline
Fifth Grade business letters.
WCA is blessed to have a caring, loving, and talented art teacher! Happy fall from 3rd grade!
about 5 years ago, Nikki Owen
We love birthday celebrations in 4th Grade! 🥳
about 5 years ago, Sheila Nance
A fourth grade boy celebrating his birthday!
A fourth grade girl celebrating her birthday!
This sweet girl said the most precious thing today, “My teacher is pregnant-she has already been diagnosed.” I love the sweet things children say 😄
about 5 years ago, Sheila Nance
4th grade girl posing for a pic
Security is a priority at WCA. We have 29 security cameras in place to help insure that our students are safe.
about 5 years ago, Lisa Gibson
Security Cameras
Pumpkin stamping with orange paint in K2!
about 5 years ago, Laura Beth Trammell