This sweet girl said the most precious thing today, “My teacher is pregnant-she has already been diagnosed.” I love the sweet things children say 😄
almost 5 years ago, Sheila Nance
4th grade girl posing for a pic
Security is a priority at WCA. We have 29 security cameras in place to help insure that our students are safe.
almost 5 years ago, Lisa Gibson
Security Cameras
Pumpkin stamping with orange paint in K2!
almost 5 years ago, Laura Beth Trammell
5th graders work hard, but keep it fun preparing for their test.
almost 5 years ago, Beth Shipton
Students work
Student with legos
Preparing for trimesters tests!
almost 5 years ago, Jim Barber
Trimester prep
Mrs. Perez’s class celebrated a special girl today!!
almost 5 years ago, Paula Perez
Happy Birthday!!🎂🎉🎁
Birthdays at WCA
almost 5 years ago, Carmen Spencer
Happy Birthday at WCA
Second grade is off to a good start selling our fruit. Go second grade!
almost 5 years ago, Amy Davis
Second grade
Lunch with parents is special😍
almost 5 years ago, Ruth Deaver
Lunch with parents
Earth Science students building clay mountains and then drawing their own topographic maps.
almost 5 years ago, Kelly Burton
Topo map
Topo map
Topo map
Topo map
4th Graders design their own Amusement Park attractions based on Coney Island-America’s First Amusement Park
almost 5 years ago, Sheila Nance
4th Grade Amusement Park Designs based on our study of Coney Island
Students enjoying our new picnic tables.
almost 5 years ago, Kelly Brown
Students enjoying our new picnic tables.
Let your light shine for Jesus in all that you do!
almost 5 years ago, Paula Perez
Let your light shine for Jesus! Mrs. Perez gave her class lights and a parent send her this picture.
The K2 kiddos love when they see Papa John!! ❤️
almost 5 years ago, Laura Beth Trammell
Papa John
First graders learning how to tell time.
almost 5 years ago, Terri Bowman
First graders learning how to tell time.
Earth Science students finding contour interval and elevation of Jacks Mountain on a topographic map of Callands, Va.
almost 5 years ago, Kelly Burton
Mrs. Webber's senior 3rd period English class Arthurian Legend Projects--great job! Also, fun with the presentations.
almost 5 years ago, Barbara Webber
class show and tell
Abby Seiy Good vs. Evil theme
Gideon's project
Austin and Reba: great art
K-3 having fun on the playground today.
almost 5 years ago, Terri Bowman
K-3 having fun on this beautiful day!
4th Graders thoroughly enjoyed the “Greatest Show” and meeting the band members 👏🏼👏🏼
almost 5 years ago, Sheila Nance
4th Graders excited to meet WCA Band Members!
4th graders are training for WCA’s future football team 🏈
almost 5 years ago, Sheila Nance
4th graders training for the future WCA football team 🏈